
New paper in Sensors on Single Image Video Prediction with Auto-Regressive GANs

Congrats on my former research assistant Jiahui Huang on his latest paper in Sensors on 'Single Image Video Prediction with Auto-Regressive GANs'. Now we can generate videos of faces with desired emotions!

Full paper available here.

Huang, Jiahui, Yew Ken Chia, Samson Yu, Kevin Yee, Dennis Küster, Eva G. Krumhuber, Dorien Herremans, and Gemma Roig. "Single Image Video Prediction with Auto-Regressive GANs." Sensors 22, no. 9 (2022): 3533.

Postdoc fellow on music generation with emotion - opening

Our team at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is looking for a postdoc fellow in automatic music generation. You will be joining our team in music/audio/vision AI supervised by Prof. Dorien Herremans, Prof. Gemma Roig and Prof. Kat Agres. More information on the music/audio team here.

New Survey article on music generation in ACM Computing Surveys

A new journal article was published that I wrote together with Prof. Ching-Hua Chuan and Prof. Elaine Chew. The article is a survey on current music generation systems from a functional point of view, thus creating a nice overview of current challenges and opportunities in the field. The articles covers systems ranging from game music, to real-time improvisation systems and emotional movie music generation systems.